Category: News and Updates

I’ll just come right out and say it. I haven’t posted in years.

The reasons why have been numerous. My life went through enormous upheaval since my last regular posts, going from lots and lots of work and distraction to losing my day job a week before my wedding and having to move across the country as a result.

Oh, yeah, I got married. In a fit of insanity she hasn’t yet recovered from, my longtime friend Lori decided she liked me well enough to put up with me for the rest of her life. You might recall Lori from guest posts on this blog, or her semi-regular posts on my other blog (also gathering dust), or possibly her own blog. Or her sci-fi police procedural novel, which was recently republished.

So that’s two distractions. We soon got two more, in the form of two tiny humans we shall call Munchkin and Rascal. No, I won’t be posting photos at this time, but I get random strangers coming up to me to tell me how adorable they are, so clearly they take after their mother. Munchkin is now old enough to be riding a bike. Yes, he’s only three (an’ a haff!), but he’s learning quickly. On the other hand, I now have to take the time to walk him up and down our street as he learns to pedal, balance, and look around at the same time. He’s up to doing about one and a half of those simultaneously.

Oh, and little brother Rascal wants to come too, and while I’m no longer in my wheelchair except for conventions, I’m not known for my speed so this is less than ideal. I have learned never to ask Rascal “What do you have in your mouth?” unless I already have hands on him, because he does a really good job at attempting to break the sound barrier with that kind of prompting. I can’t decide on whether to sell him to NASA or the Marines, but I’m leaning Marines at this point.

Anyway, job hunting, Covid shutdowns, massive depression, adjusting to both married life and living in a completely new part of the country at the same time, kids, and a ton of medical problems all around have really sapped any energy for blogging. Plus, while this blog has always been a place where people could find me for editing services, most of my business comes via word of mouth. The blog really started as a way to put up repositories of advice so I didn’t have to keep repeating myself for each client. I only posted writing advice when I had something I said more than once, and with everything going on I just had nothing new to say that felt like it would really contribute. I don’t post on the blog for the sake of posting.

But I had two things happen in the last year that made me finally overcome the inertia of non-posting. One was the Facebook group The WriterDojo, which is the discussion forum for the podcast of the same name. (I recommend you check it out.) There are a lot of people there asking for help, and it reminded me how fun it was to post helpful tips and answer questions. I remembered to save some of it for the blog, so there’s some content coming — I promise!

The point that finally got me over the inertia and into writing this post, though, was the podcast/streaming show Blasters and Blades. I was invited to join in on a fireside chat about maps, and I was asked to give the audience a website where they could find me. Well, dang . . . now I have to write just so people following the link can see stuff! The show will go live on the 14th, later this week. I’ll post a link when it happens, though probably not the day of because I’ll be pretty busy this weekend.

I can’t promise I’ll be on a regular posting schedule, but then I never was, was I? Even so, I didn’t start writing this post until I had over twenty blog posts outlined, so there will be content. I’ll be posting writing advice, reviews of both fiction and nonfiction, and general discussion topics on literature, history, science, and pop culture. I’ll mostly be rotating through on that pattern (advice, reviews, and casual analysis), but some of the posts might get split up into multiples in order to keep things easy reading; I’m not a fan of splitting posts to get twice as many hits, so I usually posted larger articles in the past, but at least one upcoming topic will likely be split into three posts just so you don’t have to take a meal break halfway through. And there will of course be the occasional update post, like this one; and hopefully in the near future, some of those updates will include free fiction for you all to read. More on that later.

I’m also going to try to do a minor revamp of the site; not to change the look (seems good enough to me, and I don’t need fancy), but to provide some better indexing to make it easier for people to find what they’re looking for. The site analytics show me that I’m still getting hits on searches for writing advice, even without posting in five years; I’m glad the archives are still useful, but I think I can make them easier to read through. It’ll also make it easier to find multi-entry posts like I just mentioned. You can expect the drop-down categories toward the top of this page to be reorganized shortly, but the new indexing will take a little longer.

Other news may be coming soon, but I’ll make update posts when that happens. For now, my next post is likely tomorrow, on how to use and plan through multiple drafts of your novel, and why it’s actually a good thing to go through total rewrites, not a sign of failure. After that, I’ll probably talk some history and then do a review of my #1 top recommended worldbuilding research book.

For now, enjoy your day and I’ll see you soon.

As I mentioned previously, I have two interns I’m training this summer, known as Thing 1 and Th– Wait, no. Intern #1 and Intern #2. There. That’s better.


Well, okay. They have names of their own. I’ll just let them introduce themselves. Continue reading

Open for Business

As many of you know (especially those of you who have been querying me for submissions), I’ve been very busy with a backlog for over a year now. That has been whittled down, and I’m now accepting submissions once again. Remember to follow the submission guidelines!

In addition, I’m training two interns this summer who will transition to more independent work as their experience increases. For now, if you’re willing to provide guinea pigs specifically for intern training, you’ll get a discount over the regular Novel Ninja rates (which are already below average, because frankly, the industry freelance standard is aimed at large companies and not the single authors I normally work with).

Please see this page for submission and pricing guidelines.

If you haven’t seen it already, Netflix released a teaser for Jessica Jones over the weekend. It is a thing of beauty.

As my friend and fellow blogger (over at The Catholic Geeks) Andy Hauge observed, it sums up the tone of the show perfectly.  Continue reading

Hugo-Award-e1422355571917Things have been very busy on my end, as I deal with a few major projects at my other job and launch a new collaborative blog site (more on that later), and also prepare for my presentations at AwesomeCon.

I’m just dashing off a quick post here to cover a bit of Hugo news: the Hugo Awards Voter Packet is out. Continue reading

In my review of Avengers: Age of Ultron, I said that I had some speculations that I decided to cut and turn into a separate blog post. It isn’t just about predicting future plots, but there’s some of that too.

We all know that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been a blowout success. Even the shaky installments (we’ll ignore Agents of SHIELD season one for right now) have been “bad” only in comparison to the top material. It’s also been successful at introducing these long-beloved characters to new audiences who may have known nothing about them or their stories. That’s impressive all on its own, considering the depth of the Marvel Comics storylines, many of which go back half a century now.


It started with Iron Man, which updated Tony Stark’s story to fit a modern audience’s expectation. A great deal of the success comes from Robert Downey Jr., of course. He’s the Tom Baker of not just the role, but the whole universe; and one of the best things about it is that he’s also aware of how close he came to outright disaster due to drugs and other self-destructive behavior, and I firmly believe that this fuels the way he throws himself into the role. Not only does he know what it’s like to completely doubt yourself, but he clearly sees each day as part of a second chance on life. Continue reading

Oh, I’m planning on seeing it. I saw the prequels in theaters too, though by Episode III my friend Jon and I were laughing at very inappropriate moments. (If you were to watch our parody film from 2004, Star Wars Episode 2: The Great Disturbance, you’d realize why we found the scene where Artoo takes out two battle droids to be frickin’ hilarious. Let’s just say . . . we called it.) Continue reading

I’ll be on an Internet talk show, Dead Wrong Radio,  this evening to talk about the Hugo Awards. Other guests include Brad Torgersen, Sarah Hoyt, and Tom Knighton, though we won’t be on at the same time.

The show is a (very) right-wing conservative podcast, but if you’re expecting me to go on a political tear, you’ll be disappointed. I save that for other shows (which is why I don’t post about them here) and for Facebook. The whole reason I’m backing Sad Puppies is because I believe that entertainment should not be beholden to politics. The show starts at 8:30 Eastern, and I’ll be on at 9.

Strangely, the show description refers to me as their “inhouse expert.” I’ve never been associated with this show before, so I’m not sure where they get that.

Mary Robinette Kowal is not the easiest person to disagree with. In the past, her response to a difference of opinion has been rather sharp. I know this, as I was the one she was speaking to. We used to correspond, but haven’t in years. I mention this not because I want to defame her in any way, but rather to point out that if she and I are agreeing on something, it’s something worth paying attention to.

On her blog, Kowal has addressed the Hugo Awards controversy, and I agree with her on every major point.  Continue reading

Daredevil Now Live

11958118In case you hadn’t already marked your calendar, the new Netflix original Daredevil TV show is now live.

Yes, I’ll be reviewing it, but not for a little while unless I wind up reviewing chunks rather than the whole thirteen-episode season. (Yes, Netflix released them all at once. What did you expect? It’s Netflix. Binge-watching is encouraged.) While I’m down with particularly severe fibromyalgia symptoms for the third day in a row, which would make for a perfect time to binge-watch, I’m scheduled to watch it with someone else after work tonight. We probably won’t finish it this weekend.

But for those of you who are still sticking around and not clicking that oh-so-shiny link, let’s talk Daredevil for a bit.  Continue reading