Category: General

Over the years, I’ve found myself repeating a few phrases over and over to authors of all levels, including clients, students, and lecture attendees. I eventually started calling them my maxims, and it’s high time I laid them out on my own site. After all, much of the reason for my blog updates is to give me a handy place to put stuff I already repeat a lot, so I can just link people to the post and save time in the future.

Today, it’s Writing is an art, not a science. Kind of obvious, since we call it a creative art rather than a scientific field, but it’s good to really think about what that means — especially authors worried about learning how to “do it right” or violating some kind of rule.

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As I said a few posts ago, I finally got the push I needed to start updating this site when I agreed to be on the Blasters & Blades show and podcast. The episode was a fireside chat on maps, but as you might expect with seven nerds chatting about things it tangetted a few times. I’m not even the least bit sorry, because it was fun.

Here’s the link to the audio on Spotify, or you can watch the video below for the extra map visuals (and have a better idea of who’s talking).

Episode 243: Fireside Chats: It’s All About Them Maps

Maps a a great bonus to have in fiction, but they should always be a bonus and not strictly necessary to understand the story. You don’t want to depend on readers flipping to the map whenever they get confused; actually, you don’t want them to get confused, period. Instead, you want them to flip to the map when they’re so interested in the story that they want the extra visual. When The Fellowship of the Ring mentions Mordor, the reader should ideally know approximately where it is already before seeing the map, and the map itself should be clarification rather than a primary source.

A simple map is good, like the extremely bare-bones map used for much of the Honor Harrington series by David Weber; it gives the minimum information you need and moves on from there without distracting you. Complex maps like in Tolkien’s Middle Earth setting aren’t complex because of geography, though, as most of the complexity is due to the art itself. That art isn’t there for its own sake, but rather to give the feeling of an expansive world with interesting terrain, full of amazing stories that happen just out of sight of the characters you’re actually following. Both styles help immersion in different ways: one by not getting in the way of your imagination, the other by encouraging your imagination to run a little wild for a while before drawing you back down to (Middle) Earth.

Not all maps are of geography, though, whether geographic or stellar in scope. In a story where relationships are important, like Pride and Prejudice, a character map is very helpful. A ‘murder wall’ or ‘conspiracy map’ can help visualize the connections between various clues and suspects in a mystery or thriller. A timeline is another kind of map, much more linear but full of detail that puts things in context, and can be especially important in settings that reference multiple different calendars, or as a histomap that can show the relative scope of something over time. You might have a diagram of a ship like the Enterprise from Star Trek, or a chart of magical abilities like in several different Brandon Sanderson series. (I’d love to post examples of each of these, but it would make this post rather challenging to scroll through.)

Presenting them as a visual medium, rather than a grand Wall o’ Text, helps a reader absorb the information faster and stay immersed in the story. That’s not to say that blocks of texts aren’t good bonus materials, but they’re better as something your readers can access on a wiki, as part of your Patreon, in your newsletter, or (if you’re really successful) as part of a supplemental behind-the-scenes/about-the-world book that your dedicated fans will snap up, such as The Dragonlover’s Guide to Pern, or the hard-to-find (but I have a copy!) Atlas of the Forgotten Realms.

(Yes, the latter is a D&D campaign setting, so arguably its nature is supplemental materials to begin with, but that particular volume was intended as a supplement to the novels rather than the game. You know, back when those novels were good. Hmm, I should do a blog post on the early Realms materials.)

If your map, whatever it is, has a significant amount of information on it that isn’t relevant to either the story or the map, then you’ve probably included too much. By ‘relevant to the map,’ I mean that there are plenty of map elements that aren’t necessary to the plot but put the map itself in better context by pointing out certain landmarks or making the world feel larger. Your story might mention a particular country but not mention its capital; but if you mention the capitals of two other countries and mark them on your map, you should probably mark the capital of the third, too. However, if you’re detailing a map and the action only takes place in one small corner, your map may be too large; one exception is that if the next few books will go there, putting the larger map in for context might be important.

Conversely, as the series expands, it’s necessary to update the map some more to include places mentioned so far. While I praised the original Honor Harrington map for its simplicity, the way it remained static for so long despite so many star systems being introduced was a detriment until it was finally updated.

There are also in-character, in-world maps that can be very useful in other ways, and we discussed those in the episode above. Check it out, but you might want to grab a drink and a snack first because it’s over an hour long.

I’ll just come right out and say it. I haven’t posted in years.

The reasons why have been numerous. My life went through enormous upheaval since my last regular posts, going from lots and lots of work and distraction to losing my day job a week before my wedding and having to move across the country as a result.

Oh, yeah, I got married. In a fit of insanity she hasn’t yet recovered from, my longtime friend Lori decided she liked me well enough to put up with me for the rest of her life. You might recall Lori from guest posts on this blog, or her semi-regular posts on my other blog (also gathering dust), or possibly her own blog. Or her sci-fi police procedural novel, which was recently republished.

So that’s two distractions. We soon got two more, in the form of two tiny humans we shall call Munchkin and Rascal. No, I won’t be posting photos at this time, but I get random strangers coming up to me to tell me how adorable they are, so clearly they take after their mother. Munchkin is now old enough to be riding a bike. Yes, he’s only three (an’ a haff!), but he’s learning quickly. On the other hand, I now have to take the time to walk him up and down our street as he learns to pedal, balance, and look around at the same time. He’s up to doing about one and a half of those simultaneously.

Oh, and little brother Rascal wants to come too, and while I’m no longer in my wheelchair except for conventions, I’m not known for my speed so this is less than ideal. I have learned never to ask Rascal “What do you have in your mouth?” unless I already have hands on him, because he does a really good job at attempting to break the sound barrier with that kind of prompting. I can’t decide on whether to sell him to NASA or the Marines, but I’m leaning Marines at this point.

Anyway, job hunting, Covid shutdowns, massive depression, adjusting to both married life and living in a completely new part of the country at the same time, kids, and a ton of medical problems all around have really sapped any energy for blogging. Plus, while this blog has always been a place where people could find me for editing services, most of my business comes via word of mouth. The blog really started as a way to put up repositories of advice so I didn’t have to keep repeating myself for each client. I only posted writing advice when I had something I said more than once, and with everything going on I just had nothing new to say that felt like it would really contribute. I don’t post on the blog for the sake of posting.

But I had two things happen in the last year that made me finally overcome the inertia of non-posting. One was the Facebook group The WriterDojo, which is the discussion forum for the podcast of the same name. (I recommend you check it out.) There are a lot of people there asking for help, and it reminded me how fun it was to post helpful tips and answer questions. I remembered to save some of it for the blog, so there’s some content coming — I promise!

The point that finally got me over the inertia and into writing this post, though, was the podcast/streaming show Blasters and Blades. I was invited to join in on a fireside chat about maps, and I was asked to give the audience a website where they could find me. Well, dang . . . now I have to write just so people following the link can see stuff! The show will go live on the 14th, later this week. I’ll post a link when it happens, though probably not the day of because I’ll be pretty busy this weekend.

I can’t promise I’ll be on a regular posting schedule, but then I never was, was I? Even so, I didn’t start writing this post until I had over twenty blog posts outlined, so there will be content. I’ll be posting writing advice, reviews of both fiction and nonfiction, and general discussion topics on literature, history, science, and pop culture. I’ll mostly be rotating through on that pattern (advice, reviews, and casual analysis), but some of the posts might get split up into multiples in order to keep things easy reading; I’m not a fan of splitting posts to get twice as many hits, so I usually posted larger articles in the past, but at least one upcoming topic will likely be split into three posts just so you don’t have to take a meal break halfway through. And there will of course be the occasional update post, like this one; and hopefully in the near future, some of those updates will include free fiction for you all to read. More on that later.

I’m also going to try to do a minor revamp of the site; not to change the look (seems good enough to me, and I don’t need fancy), but to provide some better indexing to make it easier for people to find what they’re looking for. The site analytics show me that I’m still getting hits on searches for writing advice, even without posting in five years; I’m glad the archives are still useful, but I think I can make them easier to read through. It’ll also make it easier to find multi-entry posts like I just mentioned. You can expect the drop-down categories toward the top of this page to be reorganized shortly, but the new indexing will take a little longer.

Other news may be coming soon, but I’ll make update posts when that happens. For now, my next post is likely tomorrow, on how to use and plan through multiple drafts of your novel, and why it’s actually a good thing to go through total rewrites, not a sign of failure. After that, I’ll probably talk some history and then do a review of my #1 top recommended worldbuilding research book.

For now, enjoy your day and I’ll see you soon.

This Saturday (yes, it’s short notice; sorry about that), I’ll be giving an online lecture through the Catholic Writers Guild. The topic is on the Hero’s Journey, a concept invented and popularized by Joseph Campbell. Here’s the blurb:

March 24 – 7:00 p.m. EST
Writing the Hero’s Journey
Presenter: Matthew Bowman
A look at the “Hero’s Journey Format,” based on the work of Joseph Campbell; why it works with the audience, why it’s so prone to failure, and how to adapt it for your own story.

To sign up, you can click on this shiny and well-crafted link. Admission is very affordable: $8 for CWG members, and $10 for non-members. All you need is a device capable of loading AnyMeeting software, which at most means a browser plugin that you can delete later.

I give a lot of convention lectures, but this is the best chance you’ll have of getting to listen to one of them for a whole year, unless you’re going to be at AwesomeCon next week or you’re a student at Christendom College — or if the Guild has me back before then, which in part depends on the success of their new online lecture program. So drop by, have a listen, and see what else they have to offer.

Intern Number One, signing on.

My daily purpose in the peculiar Novel Ninja family is a little hard to describe. Hannah and I are being trained side-by-side, but with very different specialties. Hannah, with her love of flow and passion for the written word, is spending her days gleefully working through documents sentence-by-sentence to polish the beauty in them; I, for the most part, am playing in my own little sandbox, learning how to stitch together inconsistencies and help chains of events feel realistic and alive. One of the tools Bowman and I use to keep ourselves entertained and our minds fluid is a little thing I call Culture Chess.

Culture Chess is an exercise that developed very early on in my career as a mook. It’s a way that Bowman-Sensei and I play with our shared love for big-picture thinking. It’s a mutual thought experiment; starting with nothing, or nearly nothing, we slowly build the workings of a story. Continue reading

How to Review

One of the many things I’m behind on, especially in regard to this site, is my pile of review to-dos. That doesn’t mean manuscripts; it means books I’ve read (or listened to, in the case of audiobooks) and think are worth talking about.

But a review is actually a delicate sort of art, and — as readers here well know! — I tend to be more on the verbose side. That actually isn’t the way I should be doing it, and as I get back into the swing of things I need to watch that. Part of it is that because this site exists to focus on writing advice, I like pulling out lessons; but that isn’t always the best use of a review even for here, even if the only people reading the reviews are authors looking for tips and tricks.

So what does go into a good review? And what’s the difference between a review and a critique?  Continue reading

As I mentioned previously, I have two interns I’m training this summer, known as Thing 1 and Th– Wait, no. Intern #1 and Intern #2. There. That’s better.


Well, okay. They have names of their own. I’ll just let them introduce themselves. Continue reading

Open for Business

As many of you know (especially those of you who have been querying me for submissions), I’ve been very busy with a backlog for over a year now. That has been whittled down, and I’m now accepting submissions once again. Remember to follow the submission guidelines!

In addition, I’m training two interns this summer who will transition to more independent work as their experience increases. For now, if you’re willing to provide guinea pigs specifically for intern training, you’ll get a discount over the regular Novel Ninja rates (which are already below average, because frankly, the industry freelance standard is aimed at large companies and not the single authors I normally work with).

Please see this page for submission and pricing guidelines.

The LEGO Batman Movie


And I now have this as an actual poster, too.

I haven’t posted in over six months, making this my longest stretch of silence yet. The reason is that I have been extremely busy without a lot to blog about. But this is me; if a movie based on the Lego brand can’t get me back here, what could?

You may recall that two years ago, I got to see an advance screening of The LEGO Movie (and then got interviewed about it on TV). Well, I got the same invite to go see The LEGO Batman Movie, and I took Intern #2 with me as she lives and breathes Batman. (I exaggerate, but only slightly.) My expectations were higher than what I had for the original film, but here’s the short review: my expectations were still exceeded.

Don’t worry. This review is spoiler-free. Continue reading

It’s short notice, but Declan had to cancel his weekly show, so I’m stepping in. It’s The Catholic Geek Radio Show, part of my other site, and it’s normally a guest-interview show. Well, I don’t have a guest, so it’s just me talking about stuff . . . including editing, if you want me to! You can call in or use a chat window. The details are over here.

You can even call in and say “Hey, why haven’t you replied to my email yet?” *hangs head in shame* Yes, I know I still have a bunch to go through, some of them a couple months old. I haven’t forgotten you! Unless I have, in which case it’s probably a good idea to call in and let me know.

By the way, one of the things I’m talking about is the new author co-op we’re starting at CG, as well as a chance for you to hear some of my lectures online. If you’ve been interested in those, you might want to take a listen.